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  • Writer's pictureBilly V

Billy Vʻs Local Holiday Tips #17

Itʻs Grind Time, itʻs the holidays, but even that can be stressful; Iʻm Billy V, weʻve got your Local Holiday Tips

So you know youʻre gong to have guests over from time to time during the holidays, make it easy on yourself.  Say for instance Thanksgiving or even a week afterwards.

Make A BIG MEAL!  If youʻre going to make dinner for the family, do this on successive nights.  MAKE EXTRA; and then put ʻem in the freezer so that way when you have guests or unexpected guests over and “oh what I going make?” and you just pull ʻem out of the freezer and put ʻem in the microwave or heat ʻem up on the stove, they will never know!

…And we all know here in Hawaii that you know sometimes its the day AFTER that the food tastes more ono!

Do you have some tips of your own you would like to share?  Head on over to our Facebook page and leave us a comment, a post or post a video and we might use it!


Aired on Hawaii News Now – Sunrise on Monday Nov 28, 2016! Copyright 2016 BVO Enterprises.  All Rights Reserved.

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